Spiritual Caves

August 11, 2024
Jim draws from the life of David as Saul was chasing him. What spiritual caves are you refusing to leave in your life? [Sassy_Social_Share]

Pray, Watch, Thanks

January 14, 2024
Jim reminds us to be continually in Prayer, always alert to the tactics of the Devil, and to always be thankful. [Sassy_Social_Share]

John The Baptist

December 3, 2023
Jim speaks about the ministry of John The Baptist. How he prepared the way for Jesus, and how we can learn from his example. [Sassy_Social_Share]


June 18, 2023
Jim delivers a message to the Fathers on Father's Day, taking examples from accounts of Fathers in the Bible. [Sassy_Social_Share]

Abounding in Hope

December 18, 2022
Jim encourages us with a message about the hope we can have in Christ, following the advent theme for this week.