Jim draws from the life of David as Saul was chasing him. What spiritual caves are you refusing to leave in your life? [Sassy_Social_Share]
In the first service of the 2024 Fellowship Meetings, Jeff Yoder shared a message challenging us to consecrate ourselves only to God and not to our own pleasures or agendas.…
In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon shares the story of the rise and fall of Saul, Israel's first king. [Sassy_Social_Share]
Is your ear tuned to hear God's Voice? Are we feasting from God's table so we are full and ready to share when we encounter a lost or needy soul?…
Dave continues his series on 1 Corinthians by teaching from 1 Corinthians, Chapter 8. In part 13 Dave looks at how we should examine our lives to make sure that…
Caleb shares a message on the subject of giving. Focusing on how we should not just focus on giving money only, but to have a spirit of giving in our…
Don goes to the scripture in 2 Thessalonians 1:10 to encourage us to follow God and His Word no matter where He has us in life. [Sassy_Social_Share]
Tim Martin takes a deeper look at Psalm 23, and all that it means to follow the Good Shephard. [Sassy_Social_Share]