In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon shares the story of the rise and fall of Saul, Israel's first king. [Sassy_Social_Share]
In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon tells about how the Ark Of The Covenant came back to the Israelites, and how the Israelites started asking for a King…
In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon gives us the story of the Philistines taking the Ark Of The Covenant and keeping it in their cities. Focusing on how…
In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon talks about the failure of Eli and his wicked sons and how Israel tried to hold idols and God together in their…
In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon summarizes Judges and the books of Samuel, before focusing on the story of Hannah. [Sassy_Social_Share]
In his series titled The Big Story, Weldon opens with Joshuas' closing words to the Israelites before continuing into Judges 1. In Judges, he points out how quickly the Israelites…
In his series on The Big Story, Weldon elaborates on the story of the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho. Connecting what happened then to Revalations and to our…
In his series on The Big Story, Weldon talks about the Israelites crossing the Jordan and Joshuas' encounter with the man holding the sword. [Sassy_Social_Share]
Weldon shares a message on listening to God and obeying His commandments even when it forces you out of your comfort zone. He uses the story of the Israelites crossing…
In his series on The Big Story, Weldon tells the story of Rahab the Harlot and how she hid the Israelite spies. [Sassy_Social_Share]
In his series on The Big Story; Weldon continues with the story of the Children Of Israel and how leadership was transferred from Moses to Joshua. [Sassy_Social_Share]
In his series on The Big Story; Weldon speaks about the story of Gad and The Land Of Gilead, and compares it to the story of The Garden of Eden,…
In his series on The Big Story; Weldon leads us through the story of how Moses was banned from entering Canaan, and how that points us to the new covenant,…
In his series on The Big Story; Weldon looks at God's fulfillment of His promises to the Israelites.
Weldon continues his series on The Big Story Part 22, We learn about the life of Balaam and his connections to dark powers but was limited and powerless to do…
In part 21 of The Big Story series, Weldon looks at the story of the Israelites complaining, God's judgment with the fiery serpents, the Bronze serpent on a pole, and…
Weldon continues his series "The Story", preaching about Moses as a leader and the spies that went into Canaan.
Weldon continues his series on The Big Story, with a message about the Israelites' continual complaining, and how God dealt with them.